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Dec 4, 2011

Google:Behind The Numbers(Google Stats 2010)

  • In 2010,google had 29.3$ in revenue which is more than the GDP of 28 poorest countries of the world combined.
  •  Despite of all google's products and services , 97% of its revenue comes from Advertising and 3% from rest .
  • 2,500,000,000(2.5 billion$) comes from mobile ads which is expected to double by the end of this year.
  • In September,Google was fined 500 million$ for knowingly allowing Canadian pharmacies to advertise prescription drugs to US residents.
  • Google profited 8.93billion$ in the year 2010.
  • Google has 1billion unique visitors per month who spend a total of 200 billion minutes per month on its sites.
  • Google consumes 260 million watts of continuous electricity to power its data centres.
  • In 2010 ,Google consumed 2 billion kilowatt hours of energy
  • Most expensive keyword categories include 
                     1. Insurance 2. Loans 3. Mortgage 4. Attorney 5. Credit

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