NEW DELHI: The world's cheapest tablet computer was launched in India on Wednesday with 500 school students becoming the first few recipients. Telecom and HRD minister Kapil Sibal launched the tablet – Aakash – priced at $35 (Rs 1,750) for students pursuing graduation and said that the government aimed to increase production to bring down the cost of the tablet to less than $10 (Rs 500). The government is sourcing the tablet from UK-based Datawind at Rs 2,256 – inclusive of all taxes, levies, freight and insurance charges, servicing and documentation.
The first lot of 100,000 tablets will be provided to states at Rs 1,750 per tablet. "Our ultimate aim is that in the coming years this tablet should cost less than $10. Datawind has said that if an order of one million units is placed the cost of the tablet (to the government) would be Rs 1,750 ($35), on which the government will offer a 50% subsidy (while giving it to students)," Sibal said.
The first lot of 100,000 tablets will be provided to states at Rs 1,750 per tablet. "Our ultimate aim is that in the coming years this tablet should cost less than $10. Datawind has said that if an order of one million units is placed the cost of the tablet (to the government) would be Rs 1,750 ($35), on which the government will offer a 50% subsidy (while giving it to students)," Sibal said.
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